Sharyland VILLAS
RV & Mobile Home Park
Lot Rents
Daily $40 Includes Electric
Weekly $260 Includes Electric
One Month $375
Six Month Contract $2,190 ($365 per month)
One Year Contract $4,200 ($350 per month)
Additional charges:
Cement pad: $25.00 monthly
Monthly Water Rate: $15.00 with Washer $21.00
Extra person rate (>2 people) 2.00/day
Extra Vehicle rate (>2 vehicles) 25.00/mo
All residents pay their own electric bill, except as listed above
Rental Contracts will be Voided if Resident does not follow Sharyland Villas Rules and Regulations
You can compare our rates with other parks in the Rio Grande Valley, and you can see that we offer the best and most-competitive RV Park rates you'll find.